
Showing posts from October, 2022

How India can be developed?

India will be on the list of developed nations worldwide by just being the 'Land of Opportunities. With the Land of Opportunities, I mean every Indian resident should be provided with an equal and unbiased opportunity to learn and work for the betterment of the native's life and that of the society. The USA was developed because it stood as a Land of Opportunities. If we, Indians, can acquire this strategy of giving a chance to every resident to learn and work, then only the sky is the limit to improvement in living standards in India. Nobody will leave India once it starts providing equal opportunity for All. Forget brain drain and brain dump.

Brain Search!!

Our brain is only storage of our memories with a processing capability. Today I am proposing an idea, Brain Search. Every memory/ thought is a wave. Suppose we have an embedded chip in our cellphone which sends waves of different wavelengths targeting the person's brain to receive the echo from the brain which contains one's thoughts. So, a smartphone can read your brain by taking your brain dump into their servers. When we have a brain dump stored in our systems, we can easily search the Brain dump with the keywords we like. This is an advanced form of Search. I call it Brain Search. I hope I made the life of our Police and Agents easy.
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