My Deja Vu.

My real experience in Tirumala.

The year, 2022, started for me with a love affair with a school teacher from Odisha. I never thought I will fall in love again but it happened after 30 years of infatuation, which too failed in 1998. The school teacher with whom I fell in love made me go through several emotions in the month of February 2022 since we met each other on three consecutive days on the 12th, 13th, and 14th of February 2022. It was a very exciting experience to meet a girl after 12 years of celibacy. Strangely, I was out of this world as per Google Timeline for three days though I was consciously working for my favorite employer, Infosys then. My mobile was not switched off but seems I was down and traveled to another parallel Universe. Maybe my love for this strange lover bought me back to our Universe.

I know you are waiting for the Deja Vu I mentioned in the title above. I will come to it in the next para. After lots of emotional trauma and my attachment to my lover made me leave Infosys' contract position in a very strange manner. After leaving Infosys my lover discarded me from her and my dreams as my parents were against me marrying her.

So, the upset version of me got insane and I traveled to Tirumala on the 12th of April without being accompanied by my parents against the plan. I had no cash in my pocket while climbing the hill on foot but still managed to have food using PhonePe. I reached the top after 8 hours of an exciting journey. I got my head tonsured that night and found no room to sleep that night but a public hall. After having a big fight with the Authorities and shelling Rs.10k I was able to manage to get the Darshan ticket for the next day. I woke up the next day after 4 hours of sleep and had a head bath before leaving for the preplanned Darshan of Varaha Swamy followed by that of Venkateswara Swamy. After lots of patient waiting and lots of selfless prayers and donations, I entered the compartment where the Deja Vu began. In this compartment, I was shocked to see the same scene that I saw 5 years ago along with my parents. Except for my missing parents, I saw the same couple with the same dress at the same place and a widow with her naughty daughter playing around in the same manner that I recollected 5 years ago. Having been surprised I enquired the widow about her trip to Tirumala being the second one. She replied angrily that it was not her second trip to Tirumala but the first one after she lost her husband in The USA. This was a Deja Vu that repeated after 5 years of my Balaji Darshan.

Later after leaving the compartment I had Darshan of Venkateswara Swamy also in a strangely close manner and was pleased to be blessed by the Pundits there. Believe it or not, the Deja Vu I mentioned is true. Om Namo Venkatesaaya!


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